Jul 1, 2011
File upload using Nginx and Seaside
The Seaside book explains how to write a simple file upload component:
More »Jul 1, 2011
Compiling Nginx to add extra modules
This post describes the process of compiling Nginx on Ubuntu 10.04.1 (Server Edition) and Amazon EC2 Linux (which is based on Centos 5.5). The motivation for compiling Nginx, was to add the following modules:
More »Jun 13, 2011
Understanding Pier's PRContext
Pier (and Seaside) use dynamic variables to retrieve the value of the session or current context whose value is defined at runtime by the calling context. They enhance testability as mock or known dynamic variable can be defined within the context of a test.
More »Jun 10, 2011
Setting the order cron jobs execute
I had a problem where I wanted to restart my server then backup my database, but how to ensure the order is executed as intended?
More »Jun 5, 2011
Using google as your MTA from Seaside
A quick post to show how we use Google mail to send mail from Seaside. Here’s our setup for getitmade.com:
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