Mar 4, 2016
NACommonUtils - Swift utilities on GitHub
I’ve released some common Swift utilities and extensions that I use across a number of iOS apps on GitHub
Utility | Comment |
ActivityOverlay | Light-weight version of MBProgessHUD - shows a translucent HUD, containing an activity indicator, centred in a specified view |
Array+Functional | func headTail() -> (head: Element, tail: [Element])? see list monster |
NSMutableAttributedString+Creation | NSMutableAttributedString creation helpers |
OnePixelConstraint | Designed as a auto-layout width/height constraint that will always be 1px regardless of screen scale |
String+LineUtils | Strings line helpers |
UIButton+ActionBlock | Button onPressed: block extension |
UIResponder+FindUIViewController | Walk the responder chain until we find a UIViewController ; useful when a UIView needs to access UIViewController API |
UIView+Autolayout | Autolayout helpers; useAutolayout() , centerInView(..) , constrainToWidth(..) , constrainToHeight(..) |
KeepInMemoryMixin | Class mixin to allow the class to keep itself in memory |
UIView+NibLoading | instanceFromNib() Load an instance of a view from a nib named identically to the class. |
UIStoryboard+InstantiateViewController | type-safe Storyboard view controller instantiation |
UIView+border | layer based UIView border utilities |
Feb 19, 2016
iDiff View available on the app store
iDiff View highlights the differences between two versions of a text file.
The left pane shows the older file and the right pane shows the more recent version:
More »Feb 10, 2016
Profit from Futures
As most battle-hardened programmers will attest, implementing threaded code that reads or writes to shared mutable state is hard to develop correctly and rapidly degenerates into a maintenance nightmare unless all programmers are equally skilled. Lets review why; shared mutable state requires locks and:
- Locks do not compose
- Locks break encapsulation (you need to know a lot!)
- Error recovery is hard
- Its easy to get locks wrong by:
- Taking too few locks
- Taking too many locks
- Taking the wrong locks
- Taking locks in wrong order
In summary unless handled with extreme caution, threaded code tends to lead to impossible to reproduce bugs - it’s non deterministic - you only find out there’s a problem when you see the crash reports.
More »Feb 2, 2016
Superpowers / obfuscation with map & flatMap
Many Swift developers will reach for map
when they want to transform the elements of an array:
let twos = (1...10).map { $0 * 2 }
twos // [2,4,6 ... 20]
however fewer developers use map
with an Optional
// UIImage(named:) has a signature: String -> UIImage?
let imageSize = UIImage(named: "anImage").map {$0.size}
imageSize // a 'CGSize?' or more explicitly 'Optional<CGSize>'
This is only of limited interest for Optional
as Swift has simpler built-in syntax for handling such cases.
Jan 28, 2016
The Swift standard library includes zip
which creates a single array containing two element tuples from two arrays. However I wanted to zip three arrays of previous, next and current values. With open-source Swift it was straight-forward to examine the standard library implementation of zip
and create Zip3