In this step we upload the file in the background in an AJAX-like style. Note we are not using the AJAX XMLHttpRequest as at the time of writing it was not possible to use an XMLHttpRequest for multipart form uploads. The work-around is to use a hidden iframe to submit the form. The main render method becomes:

renderContentOn: html
	html div
		class: 'fileuploadExample';
		with: [
			self renderUploadFormOn: html.
			self renderHiddenIFrameOn: html.

			self renderUploadedFilesOn: html.
			self renderFileUploadedCallbackJSOn: html ]

the iframe is rendered off-screen (position:absolute;top:-1000px;left:-1000px)

renderHiddenIFrameOn: html
	html iframe
		name: 'hiddenImageIFrameUploader';
		id: #hiddenImageIFrameUploader;
		style: 'position:absolute;top:-1000px;left:-1000px';
		attributeAt: 'onload' put: 'fileUploadedCallback()'

the form declaration is changed to set the form’s target to the iframe:

html form
    attributeAt: 'target' put: 'hiddenImageIFrameUploader';
    class: 'uploadForm'; with: [ "form fields go here..." ]

Now when the form’s submit button is pressed the response is rendered within the iframe.

The response handling in the hiddenInput completes with a call to renderIFrameResponse as:

html hiddenInput
    callback: [:val | | uploadFieldName |
        "what name did Seaside assign to the file upload form field?"
        uploadFieldName := fileUploadField attributeAt: 'name'.
        self storeUploadedFile: uploadFieldName.
        self renderIFrameResponse ].

with renderIFrameResponse rendering the uploaded files:

	"Respond directly with the uploaded files"
	self requestContext respond:
		[ :response |
			contentType: WAMimeType textHtml;
			nextPutAll: (WARenderCanvas builder
				fullDocument: true;
				scriptGeneratorClass: JQScriptGenerator; "removes the onload from body"				
				render: [:html | self renderUploadedFilesOn: html  ] )]

The iframe declaration above contains attributeAt: 'onload' put: 'fileUploadedCallback()'. When the response is loaded by the iframe, the iframe’s onload will trigger a call to the javascript method fileUploadedCallback(), which is defined by:

renderFileUploadedCallbackJSOn: html
	html script:
'var fileUploadedCallback = function() {

This script copies a div (#uploadedFilesContainer) inside the just updated iframe to the same named div, rendered just below the upload form, displaying the newly uploaded file and any previously uploaded files.

Download the code

The code described above is contained in NAFileUploadStep2 and can be downloaded from the repository

Next Steps

  • Step 3: Using Nginx upload progress module to report upload progress to the user.
  • Step 4: File upload as a plugable component.