I’d like to be able to deploy the same code base to my live, staging, test, backup and development servers, however sometimes the code is server specific. For example, I only want my live server to go through the live payment gateway; my other servers should use the test payment gateway.

One solution would be to handle the differences in the package manager configuration (eg Metacello configuration) and load different classes depending on the server. I take this approach for some of my code, but especially for the payment gateway I’d like a “belt and braces” approach where the server can query itself to ensure that it’s using a class that’s appropriate for the server.

The solution is two-pronged:

  • First ensure the server can identify itself.
  • Query the server and match the identity against an appropriate class, which encapsulates the differences in behaviour between the servers.

Identifying the server

On my minimally configured servers hostname resulted in the following:

$ hostname

The first task is to ensure hostname identifies the server in a useful form. Unfortunately Centos and Ubuntu (10.4) based servers handle this differently:


Test to see if the server’s hostname is correctly configured:

$ hostname

In this case it isn’t so let’s config it:

$ sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/network
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain **getitmade.com**
$ sudo hostname getitmade.com
$ sudo /etc/init.d/network restart

Testing the changes have worked:

$ hostname


Test to see if the server’s hostname is correctly configured:

$ hostname

…not in this case; let’s configure it:

$ sudo vim /etc/hostname
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain **staging.getitmade.com**
$ sudo hostname staging.getitmade.com
$ sudo /etc/init.d/network restart
$ sudo restart hostname

Testing the changes have worked:

$ hostname

Resolving the class from the server

Now the servers are correctly configured, identifying the server from Smalltalk is trivially simple:

NetNameResolver localHostName

I chose to wrap the call to #localHostName in a method which maps the server’s hostname string to a symbol and caches the result:

	^ server ifNil: [
		| servers |
		servers := Dictionary new
		 	at: 'getitmade.com' put: #live;
			at: 'staging.getitmade.com' put: #staging;
			at: 'testing.getitmade.com' put: #testing;
			at: 'backup.getitmade.com' put: #backup;
		server := servers at: self serverName ifAbsent: [ #development ] ]

I’m particular interested in whether the server is live or not, so I encapsulate this as:

	^ self server = #live

Finally I abstract the differences between the servers in a class hierarchy and use a factory in the base class to return an appropriate class for the server:

	| serverIdentification |
	serverIdentification := IZServerIdentification default.
	self allSubclassesDo: [:aMerchantClass |
		(aMerchantClass designedFor: serverIdentification)
			ifTrue: [ ^ aMerchantClass ] ].

	^ nil

the #designedFor: method is implemented on the class which encapsulations the parameters for live server as:

designedFor: serverIdentification
	^ serverIdentification isLiveServer

Note: NetNameResolver>>#localHostName on Pharo doesn’t work reliably on Mac OSX. See this message thread for the background to the issue. In my case, although I develop on a Mac, I deploy on Gemstone and Linux and so circumvent this problem. Also note NetNameResolver>>#localHostName on Gemstone is a thin wrapper around:

GsSocket getLocalHostName